This was a student initiated and run project, financed by the Student Union. I was part of the curatorial team; we organised the open call, collected and curated 45 ceramic pieces and put together a successful event attended by hundreds of people. I was responsible for designing the exhibition poster, vinyl sign stickers, and instagram posts.
An old piece of mine titled Mother Earth (2017) got to be part of the exhibition
An old piece of mine titled Mother Earth (2017) got to be part of the exhibition
I was in charge of curating the miniatures in the vitrine, featuring roughly 25 artists
I was in charge of curating the miniatures in the vitrine, featuring roughly 25 artists
Baba Yaga house alongside an eye teacup coaster made by another artist.
Baba Yaga house alongside an eye teacup coaster made by another artist.
Exhibition organisers - Me (left), Jade Nicklin (middle) director, admin, curator, ceramicist, and Sophie Boggis-Rolfe (right) curator, builder, ceramicist
Exhibition organisers - Me (left), Jade Nicklin (middle) director, admin, curator, ceramicist, and Sophie Boggis-Rolfe (right) curator, builder, ceramicist
This is another student run exhibition, held in the Golden Anchor pub and featuring an eclectic mix of 27 artists and designers, creative programmers, and even a DJ. As part of the exhibition's fundraiser for Ukrainian refugees, I sold original screen-prints and patches. 
Screen-printed patches with felt backing.
Screen-printed patches with felt backing.
My exhibition piece titled 'Digital Escape' (2022) Oil marbling, collage, paint.
My exhibition piece titled 'Digital Escape' (2022) Oil marbling, collage, paint.

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