Logo, poster and website design for a Paw Patrol freelance call out. I enjoyed creating a colour profile and a cohesive visual identity for this project. Softwares used: Procreate, Illustrator, InDesign, Figma. (2023)
Storyboard for an alcohol advertisement, commissioned by Graceful Monkey. This involved sketching out keyframes to predict the final outcome of the 3d modelled and animated rendering. Softwares used: Procreate, Photoshop (2022)
Logo design commission for a law start up named DocuMonkey. Softwares used: Illustrator (2022)
Zombie book cover design for publishing house Magic Dome Books (2023)
Earth Remedies Website (2022-2023) I’ve designed a website for a small natural skincare company based in London and Somerset. For this I’ve learnt Figma, and how to self manage remote working, client meetings and invoicing.

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